domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Call for Nominations: Oracle Cloud Platform Innovation 2016

 Calling all Oracle Cloud Platform Innovators
Encourage your Customers to Submit Nomination for the 2016 Oracle Excellence Awards: Oracle Cloud Platform Innovation

Click here, to submit your nomination today

Call for Nominations: Oracle Cloud Platform Innovation 2016
Are your customers using Oracle Cloud Platform to deliver unique business value? If so, submit a nomination today for the 2016 Oracle Excellence Awards for Oracle Cloud Platform Innovation as their Oracle Sales Partner or encourage them to submit their own nomination. These highly coveted awards honor customers and their partners for their cutting-edge solutions using Oracle Cloud Platform. Winners are selected based on the uniqueness of their business case, business benefits, level of impact relative to the size of the organization, complexity and magnitude of implementation, and the originality of architecture.

Customer Winners receive
a free pass to Oracle OpenWorld 2016 in San Francisco (September 18-September 22) and will be honored during a special event at OpenWorld.  Award Winners become great references as well!
Our 2016 Award Categories are:
To be considered for this award, complete or have your clients complete the online nomination forms and submit before June 20th, 2016. For any questions email:
Asks from everyone:
  • Share this slide in your customer and field facing presentations
  • Encourage customers and partners to submit a nomination
  • Encourage sales reps, SCs and CSMs to nominate customers
  • If someone asks you for a speaking slot at OpenWorld, ask them to submit a nomination too!
  • Customers and partners receive awards in an Oscar style ceremony held at Yerba Buena Center of Arts during OOW. They feel acknowledged for their success with our products and winners receive a FREE OOW Pass
  • We hear about exciting new stories and invite customers to speak at various OOW sessions. Customers get a FREE OOW Pass
  • Nominator's get invited on stage at the OOW award ceremony and a special note sent out to their management chain to highlight their account's success
  • Great new public references come out of the Innovation Awards effort every year (however it is not required that customers agree to reference up front)
NOTE: The deadline to submit all nominations is 5pm Pacific on June 20th, 2016. Customers don't have to be in production to submit a nomination and nominations are for both Cloud and on-premise solutions.

Mobile Cloud Service 2.0 está aquí !!!

Authored by Suhas Uliyar, Oracle Vice President, Mobile Product Development
Oracle Mobile Cloud Service 2.0 includes Location Based Services and Mobile Application Accelerator (MAX). What does that mean for you? This post from Oracle Mobile Product Development Vice President Suhas Uliyar offers plenty of information. 

Get the details

Video: Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Data Offline and Sync Cache

Chris Muir, senior principal mobility and development tools product manager at Oracle, packs this tech tip with a couple of use cases illustrating how you can take advantage of the cache feature in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service's Data Offline and Sync.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

¿Cómo determinar si puede confiar en la seguridad que ofrece un proveedor en la nube?

Por Carol Hildebrand

A la hora de confiar en la seguridad que ofrece un proveedor de software en la nube, Carol Hildebrand nos indica tres preguntas que deberíamos resolver para asegurarnos:

-¿Cómo replica el vendedor mis requisitos de seguridad?
-¿Con qué claridad el proveedor de la nube determina las responsabilidades compartidas?
-¿Qué transparentes son las políticas y los procesos del proveedor Cloud? 

Leer artículo de Carol Hildebrand en Forbes

Oracle Cloud Leader Newsletter - Semana 16 de Mayo

Chris Murphy, Oracle Director of Cloud Content, nos envía una nueva newsletter con información interesante sobre Cloud:

  • Will Cloud Kill the IT Star?
  • Fairmont Raffles Hotels Offers Warm Welcome
  • 7 Brilliant Ideas for Managing Change from Leaders in Corporate Finance
  • Global Growth Ambitions Lead Blackboard to Cloud HR
  • Blog: 3 New Services from Oracle EPM Cloud
  • Video: How Cloud Impacts Customers' Buying Patterns
  • Offer: Training Available for Oracle SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS Cloud Services
  • CFO Survey: Cloud Is Key Enabler of Transformation

Acceso a Newsletter